項目ITEM |
能力Capacity |
內(nèi)層最小線寬/線距 inner layer line width/space(min) |
40μm/40μm |
最小內(nèi)層孔距線 min space of hole to inner layer line |
8mil(0.2mm) |
最小絕緣層厚度 min dielectric thickness |
1.6mil(40μm) |
內(nèi)層銅箔厚度 thickness of inner copper |
1/3oz、1/2oz、(12μm、17μm) |
外層底銅厚度 thickness of outerlayer base copper |
1/4~1/3oz、1/2oz1/2(9~12μm、17μm) |
完成板厚度 thickness of finished panel |
0.3-1.6mm |
總層數(shù)/軟板區(qū)層數(shù) layer nμmber |
3~8/1~2 |
多層板層間對準度 registration of inner layer to inner layer |
±4mil(±100μm) |
最小鉆孔孔徑 mini ddrillingilli didiameter |
0.1mm |
最小完成孔徑 min diameter of finished hole |
0.075mm |
孔位精度accuracy of hole position |
±2mil(±50μm) |
鍍通孔孔徑公差 tolerance of PTH diameter |
±3mil(±75μm) |
非鍍通孔孔徑公差 tolerance of NPTH diameter |
±1mil(±25μm) |
孔電鍍最大縱橫比 max A.R. of PTH |
10:1 |
孔壁銅厚度PTH hole copper thickness |
根據(jù)客戶需求 |
外層圖形對位精度image to image tolerance |
±3mil(0.075mm) |
外層最小線寬/線距outer layer line width/space(min) |
2mil/2mil(50μm/50μm) |
蝕刻公差tolerance of line width |
±0.6mil(±15μm) |
阻焊圖形對位精度solder mask registration tolerance |
±3mil(75μm) |
阻焊橋最小寬度min solder mask dam |
4mil(100μm) |
表面處理工藝surface treating technics |
電鍍鎳金(Nikle and Gold Plating)、OSP、 ENIG+OSP、NPGP+OSP、化學(xué)鎳金(ENIG)、化學(xué)鎳鈀金(ENIPIG) |
外形最小公差min routing dimension tolerance(edge to edge) |
±4mil(±0.1mm) |
孔對邊最小公差min routing dimension tolerance(hole to edge) |
±5mil(0.125mm) |
最小字符寬度/間距min legend line width/space |
4mil/4mil(0.1mm/0.1mm) |
單線阻抗控制及公差impedance control and tolerance |
50?±8% |
差動阻抗控制及公差impedance control and tolerance |
100?±10%、90?±10% |